

HazRunoff aims to fill the knowledge and technology gaps around early warning & detection, follow-up, and early response to different or combined types of flooding and hazmat pollution in inland and transitional waters

Work packages

The HazRunoff project will be carried out across five different work streams. In this section, you can find a summary of each of them including the specific objectives and activities they comprise.

Case studies

Activities on the work streams focused on detecting, sensing, and sampling and modelling will be studied and applied in four different project case studies involving transitional waters

HAZRUNOFF project «Integration of sensing and modelling technologies for early detection and follow-up of hazmat and flood hazards in transitional and coastal waters» Financed by ECHO

HazRunoff at a Glance






DURATION (months)


TITLE: «Integration of sensing and modelling technologies for early detection and follow-up of hazmat and flood hazards in transitional and coastal waters»

PROGRAMME: Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

TOTAL BUDGET: 670.210,92 €

EU GRANT: 483.297,07 €

DURATION: 2 years (January 2018 – December 2019)

COORDINATOR: Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)